Monday, April 22, 2013

Fixing My Mind

So, here's the deal. I'm sick of feeling sad and mad and bitter. I am doing what I need to do to find that next job; I spend time every day looking for jobs and sending resumes. That helps me feel more in control of my future, but I haven't been able to break out of the bad feelings.

Last week, I met with some editors and art directors who were also released from the same company. I left angry at myself for still feeling so angry. I have let my anger control some of my behavior; I don't like how much I've been cursing. Now, I don't have the cleanest mouth ever, but I do try to keep it under control. I have not been under control lately, and I am ashamed of myself. (I'm not going to beat myself up about it, I just want to change it.)

Because of all this, I think it's time for me to start remembering that I have much to be grateful for. Here's a partial gratitude list.

1. Cubby Bear, my dog, is the cutest, funniest dog ever. She makes me laugh every day.

2. I have a roof over my head, and I'm not in danger of losing my house. Many people in my situation have it much worse than I do.

3. My son is a delight. He is smart (but doesn't work as hard as he should), he is understanding of this situation we are dealing with (which may mean junior college his first year), and he is the light of my life.

4. My husband is a supportive, wonderful man. I'm lucky to have him.

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