Saturday, October 2, 2010

So Much to Think About

 I want to believe that my God is the God of love and acceptance--not hatred and bigotry. Maybe I'll get to heaven, and God will sit me down and tell me I was wrong. Maybe God does think being gay is wrong. But maybe I'm right, and he thinks all love is acceptable love--whether is it between a man and a woman or a man and a man (or a woman and a woman). He created love--how can he condemn love between any two people? Love is holy.

With the rash of gay-bashing and young gay suicides lately, my heart breaks. I believe Jesus came for us all--he didn't sit with the rich and powerful, the socially acceptable. He sat with the tax collectors, the outcasts, and the children--those deemed not as important. He told us we were all important--there was no less than in his eye.

I want my son to grow up in a world that sees all people as valuable and deserving of respect. That means all people: men, women, Christians, Muslims, Jews, gays, lesbians, blacks, whites, asians, latinos, just everyone.

I'm not saying anything novel or earth-shattering. It's all been said far better by more eloquent people.  So why even write this? Because I want people to know that there are plenty of  Christians who believe that our God is a God of  love and acceptance. And that liberal and Christian aren't opposite terms--in fact, Jesus was a radical liberal of his day.

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